Who are the Samaritans and What Do They Do?

The Samaritans

  On the 24th of July, the Samaritans had an awareness day. The charity wants the 24th and the rest of July to be about their Talk to Us campaign. How the Samaritans Began The Samaritans was founded in 1953 by a vicar called Chad Varah. He said “In an emergency, the citizen turns to […]

Wegovy – Finally, A Miracle Weight Loss Drug That Works

Women on scales

Weight loss is hard, there’s no doubt about it. Dealing with hunger pangs and having to feed your family while you go without makes dieting difficult. But the good news is on the horizon. Danish drug makers, Novo Nordisk have come up with what they say is a miracle weight loss injection. It’s called Wegovy […]

What’s the hangover cure Myrkl available in the UK?

Myrkl the new hangover cure

  Last week you may have seen articles in the newspapers about a new tablet called Myrkl. Myrkl is being manufactured as a hangover cure and it is now available to buy in the UK. Why do we get hangovers? The main reason we get hangovers is that alcohol contains the chemical Ethanol. Ethanol makes […]

What You Should Know About Colorectal Cancer

One of the most common types of cancer diagnosed in the UK is colorectal cancer. It is also known as colon, rectal or bowel cancer. Colorectal cancer causes What causes this type of cancer isn’t known, but it is thought to include diet and lifestyle choices like being overweight, eating a lot of red or […]

Monkeypox – What is it and what symptoms should I look out for?


  If you’ve been watching the news and reading the newspapers, you’ll know that cases of a rare disease from Africa called monkeypox has been detected in the UK. The risk of catching monkeypox is low, but if you’re worried here are a few facts about the disease so you know more about it. Monkeypox […]

How to Create a Skincare Routine

Skincare Routine

Your skin is delicate, and it needs looking after. The environment and your lifestyle affect your skin, so it’s important to have a regular skincare routine. But how do you begin? Here’s a short guide to help you get started. Washing Wash your face with clean hands in warm water. It might be tempting to […]

IBD Day – What is IBD?

Your Intestines

On the 19th of May, it is National IBD Day. IBD stands for Inflammatory Bowel Disease. It is the umbrella term for two bowel conditions: ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. So, with National IBD Day in mind, we have written a short guide to explain the symptoms of the two conditions and how doctors treat […]

National Hypertension Day

National Hypertension Day

Did you know that the 17th of May is National Hypertension Day? To raise awareness about National Hypertension Day, we thought we’d talk about high blood pressure. This is a short guide telling you what hypertension is and what you can do about it. What is hypertension? Hypertension is the name given to high blood […]

A New Accreditation and a Benefit for VSM Pharmacy Staff

Real Living Wage Logo

VSM Pharmacy had some good news this week. They are pleased to be accredited as a Real Living Wage employer. And they can now offer the benefits of a real living wage to their staff. A Real Living Wage is different to the minimum wage. You get more money for a start. The minimum wage […]

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