The NHS COVID booster campaign will begin shortly. The vaccination booking service begins at VSM Pharmacy in September. This is part of the autumn/winter campaign 2024/25.
Who Can Have the Covid Vaccine on the NHS?
The NHS COVID booster campaign is offering a free booster to:
- All adults who are 65 years and over
- Senior care home residents
- Anyone between the ages of 6 months and 64 years who are at risk due to compromised immunity
- Care home, social care and other frontline healthcare staff
- Pregnant Women in a clinical risk group
Why Are Only Certain Groups of People Getting the COVID Booster?
Mainly because older people and those with certain health conditions are more vulnerable to complications from respiratory infections. A COVID booster injection will provide an added layer of protection for the people who need it most.
How long will the NHS Campaign Last?
The appointments for the vaccination will be available between September and December. You should have the vaccine if it has been at least 3 months since your last COVID booster.
Where Can I have the Vaccination
You can have your vaccination at the doctors, your local health centre or at participating pharmacies. VSM Pharmacy is participating in the autumn campaign. Contact the pharmacy to find out how to book a vaccination.
You can book on the National Booking System when it opens in September. You can also use the NHS app or walk into a COVID-19 vaccination site.
What Vaccine Will I Be Offered?
The vaccine will either be from Pfizer, Moderna or Sanofi. Some vaccines will produce a slightly higher level of antibodies against some strains of the omicron variant.
What are Common Side-Effects from the Vaccination?
The most common side effects are:
- Feeling tired
- Headache
- Flu-like symptoms
- A tender arm that feels heavy where you’ve had the injection. This will probably feel worse 1 or 2 days after your injection.
The best way to combat the side-effects is to rest and take an over-the-counter painkiller for any discomfort.
What About Serious Side-Effects?
Contact your doctor or the emergency services if you experience:
- Fast or pounding heartbeat
- Not being able to breathe properly
- You have chest pain
Can You Catch Covid After Being Vaccinated?
Yes. But if you have had a vaccine then the risk of serious illness is reduced. You should be able to cope with the illness by staying at home and resting until you feel better.
If I’m Not Well, Should I Have a COVID Vaccination?
No. It is better to wait until you are better to have the vaccination. There isn’t a time limit. Have the vaccination as soon as you are back to normal.
Can I Have the Vaccination If I Haven’t Been Vaccinated Before?
If you haven’t had a COVID-19 vaccination or you’ve missed Booster vaccinations, then you can have the NHS vaccination if you are a person included in the autumn vaccination group.
Can I Have My First COVID Vaccination at VSM Pharmacy?
If you have never had a vaccination against COVID and you would now like to protect yourself, vaccinations are available from the pharmacy. The vaccine is from Novavax. It costs £49.99. Pop into the pharmacy to make an appointment or give us a call on 01276 -21002.