Earwax Removal and Using Earol Aftercare Spray

Photograph of a person's ear.
You can have earwax removed at the Pharmcy by using Microsuction, which is painless. Afterwards soothe and hydrate your ear or ears by sung Earol Aftercare Spray.

Many people view earwax as a nuisance. But in fact, it plays an important role in the maintenance of our ear health.

Wax is made up of fats, oils, hair, dust and skin. It’s presence in the ear canal protects our ears from bacteria and fungi and also repels water.

Normally earwax is produced in small amounts that don’t cause a problem. But sometimes too much wax builds up causing a blocked ear. This can cause discomfort and some loss of hearing. Other symptoms include a feeling of pressure in the ear, dizziness and pain.

You shouldn’t try to deal with the blockage yourself because using an object like an ear bud can push the wax further into the ear canal which will cause further problems.

Visit the Pharmacy

The best action to take is to make an appointment with us at VSM Pharmacy to have the earwax removed. We advise you to use olive oil drops for three days before your appointment which helps to soften the wax. You can buy Earol olive oil drops at the pharmacy.

On the day of your appointment, we’ll do an initial assessment and then using microsuction we’ll remove the ear wax from one or both ears.

What is Microsuction for Earwax Removal?

Microsuction is a method of removing wax gently. A small, wand-like tool is inserted into your ear and then the wax is drawn out through a suction tube. It doesn’t use water and the procedure isn’t painful. The procedure takes around 30 minutes

What happens after Earwax is removed?

Even though your ear or ears might feel slightly dry and itchy it is important not to get them wet for around 4 to 5 days after the procedure.

Earol Aftercare Spray

We recommend you use Earol Aftercare Spray after earwax removal. It is an ear spray you can buy at the pharmacy, and it has been specially formulated to soothe and hydrate the ear canal. Earol can be used by adults and children over the age of 5 years. It is also suitable for vegans.

What Does Earol Contain?

Earol contains sweet almond oil. This is a natural oil that is used to soothe and hydrate delicate areas. It lubricates the skin in and around the ear and relieves itching, dryness and irritation.

How Do I Use Earol Spray?

There are three easy steps to follow:

Step 1

Take the top of your outer ear and carefully lift and pull outwards. This will open the ear canal.

Step 2

Spray one or two doses of the spray into your ear or both ears if necessary.

Step 3

Move your jaw up and down and left to right at the same time as rubbing your tragus which is the small piece of cartilage on the outside of your ear close to your ear lobe. By massaging this area, the spray will fully coat the canal walls.

What’s the Cost of Microsuction? 

The initial consultation is £15.00. This is payable whether or not we proceed with wax removal.

Ear removal for one ear with a follow-up session if required is £45.00 and for two ears the price is £69.99.

How Do I Make an Appointment for Earwax Removal at VSM Pharmacy?

You can either book online, give us a call on 01276 21002 or pop into the pharmacy and speak to a member of staff. If you have been using olive oil drops you might be able to get a same day appointment.

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