If you have noticed white flakes in your hair which fall onto your shoulders, the likelihood is you have dandruff.
Dandruff is a very common skin condition. You can’t catch it from someone else and it’s not caused by bad hygiene.
What causes dandruff?
There are various causes, and your symptoms will normally give you a clue as to your problem.:
Seborrheic dermatitis
Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin condition that can affect your scalp and your face. It mainly appears in oily areas like your scalp, eyebrows, and the side of your nose.
The condition causes dandruff and inflamed scaly patches of skin and a rash that itches.
If you have eczema on your scalp, it will be itchy and dry which will cause dandruff. Sometimes the inflammation is worse on some days than others, there tend to be ‘flare-ups’ which come and go. Eczema can also affect other parts of your body like your hands, the back of your knees and Eczema elbows.
Ringworm (Tinea Capitis)
Ringworm can cause some slight hair loss. Your scalp will be red or silvery and it will itch. Although dandruff can’t be spread from person to person, ringworm can. So, it is important to have ringworm treated quickly. Avoid sharing towels and bedsheets until you have started treatment.
Psoriasis on the scalp will cause dandruff. You can get Psoriasis on any part of your body. It causes pink or red patches of skin which become very dry and itchy. It is caused by the over- production of skin cells. Usually, skin cells take 3 to 4 weeks to replace themselves, but in people with Psoriasis, the cells renew every 3 to 4 days which causes a build-up of skin cells and hence the red, flaky patches.
Contact dermatitis
Shampoo and conditioners may irritate the skin on your scalp, although you can have contact dermatitis on your hands and face too. But if you remove the product that is irritating the skin, the dermatitis will normally clear up. People with very dry skin will often have contact dermatitis.
It is important to keep your skin and your scalp moisturised with products that don’t dry the skin. Choose an emollient rather than a cream. If the dermatitis is severe, you may be prescribed topical corticosteroid ointment by your GP.
How can I treat dandruff?
Unless your skin condition is severe you can find treatments over the counter with us here at the VSM Pharmacy. A member of staff will be able to help you choose a product that suits your needs.
Anti-dandruff shampoos are very effective although you might need to try one or two brands before you find one that treats your dandruff. According to the NHS, you should look for a shampoo that contains one of the following:
- Coal Tar
- Selenium Sulphide
- Zinc Pyrithione
- Ketoconazole
- Salicylic Acid
Follow the instructions on the shampoo bottle and you should find that your dandruff improves within a month. All the above ingredients are used for the treatment of scalp conditions although some will work on your scalp better than others.
If you have any skin conditions like Psoriasis or Ringworm, then you should speak to your doctor who will prescribe a suitable remedy to either (in the case of psoriasis) alleviate the symptoms or (with ringworm) cure the condition altogether.
You can always talk to a member of staff here at the pharmacy for advice about products. We can help you choose a brand that suits you and treats your skin condition effectively.