Yellow Fever – Vaccination and Certificate at Our Travel Clinic
If you go to certain countries you may need a Yellow Fever vaccination or a certificate to show that you have already had the vaccination.
Yellow Fever is a virus that comes from infected mosquitos and the best way to protect yourself is by having a vaccination.
Hepatitis A – Why Vaccination is Important
If you need a Hepatitis A vaccination, the Travel Clinic at VSM Pharmacy can help you . The cost of the vaccination is £49.99 for two doses.
Private Covid Vaccination Service Now Available at VSM Pharmacy
VSM Pharmacy are now offering a private vaccine service for Covid-19. The vaccination comes from Novavax and is a protein based formula like vaccines for shingles or Hepatitus B.
Welcome to VSM Pharmacy’s Travel Vaccination Clinic
Now VSM Pharmacy has a travel clinic that offers help, advice and of course travel vaccinations Our latest article gives you all the information you need to get your vaccinations organised before your trip.
Vaccinations against Pneumonia and Shingles
It As we’re getting through autumn and closer to winter you need to think about your vaccines against pneumonia and shingles. Having a vaccine against these two conditions will help to lower the risk of catching them and keep you healthy over the colder seasons. What is Pneumonia? Pneumonia is caused by the inflammation of […]
Don’t forget your flu vaccine this winter!
The flu is much more than ‘just a bad cold’ and can claim the lives of thousands of people each year, particularly the old and the vulnerable. Yet, by receiving an annual flu vaccine from our pharmacy, you greatly reduce your risk of getting ill.
Why is the government pushing us to get tested if everyone is getting vaccinated?
Over 80% of the UK adult population have had a first vaccine dose, and over 60% are fully vaccinated.
The impact can be seen in lower infection numbers and much fewer fatalities, compared to the beginning of the year.
Let’s keep going!
The light at the end of the needle
At the start of March 2020, there were under 50 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the UK. By the end of March, there were over 22,000 cases, over 2,000 people had died, and the country was in lockdown.
It’s been a long, hard year since then. But the way people have fought against this disease together has been incredible.
5 reasons to get vaccinated against influenza this year
Getting an influenza (flu) jab this year is more important than usual because of COVID-19. The colder seasons are upon us and the risk of the flu is heightened because there is a chance you can catch both viruses simultaneously. Compiled below are some reasons why you should get a flu jab this year.