Pollen Allergy and Food Cross Reactivity

Woman blowing her nose with yellow flowers in the background

If you have a pollen allergy you might also be allergic to certain foods. Read on to find out more about food cross reactivity and how a simple skin prick test will help you.

 COVID-19 Vaccines to Replace Novavax

Rows of vials containing the Covid vaccine

Novavax Nuxaxovid Xbb vaccine is no longer available for supply in the UK due to the existing batches approaching their expiry date. We do not expect to receive strain updated vaccines in the near future.

The Yellow Fever Vaccination Risk for Over 60s

A Yellow Fever Mosquito

The vaccination against Yellow Fever isn’t recommended if you are over 60 due to the dangerous side-effects. In this article we’ll tell you more about Yellow Fever and what you should do if you are over 60.

Rabies – Protect Yourself With A Vaccination

Black & White photo of street dog salivating.

Rabies is a dangerous virus that is fatal if a bite, scratch or lick from an infected animal isn’t treated immediately. If you are vsiitig a country where animals have rabies then you should protect yourself with a vaccination.

Get Your NHS Flu Vaccination From October

Most cases of flu occur during the winter months. The vaccine campaign begins on the 3rd October. If you are eligible for the NHS vaccination make your appointment at the Pharmacy.

Malaria and How to Treat It

If you are travelling to a country where there is a risk of catching Malaria you should visit us. Here at VSM Pharmacy we can discuss what malaria tablets you need and when you should start taking them. What is malaria? Malaria is a disease which passes to humans from the bite of an infected […]

Tick-Borne Encephalitis 

Adult Deer Tick

Tick bites from infected ticks in Europe and eleswhere can cause Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) and Lyme disease.  Ticks are around between March and May and mid-August to November, so we’re about to come into a tick season soon. They live in the countryside and love warm temperatures with high humidity. You will find them in […]

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