The Yellow Fever Vaccination Risk for Over 60s

The vaccination against Yellow Fever isn’t recommended if you are over 60 due to the dangerous side-effects. In this article we’ll tell you more about Yellow Fever and what you should do if you are over 60.
Otinova For Swimmer’s Ear Infection

Swimmer’s ear or Otitis Externa can be very painful. Otinova is a new antibacterial spray which can help to dry out your ear canal and prevent inflammation and itchiness. Read our guide to find out more about it.
Evana and Ultravana For Pain and Heavy Periods

Heavy periods and period pain can be debilitating and many women have to take time off work because of the symptoms they have during their periods. There may be light at the end of the tunnel however with two new products now available over the counter at our Pharmacy.
Sign Our Petition – Stop Pharmacy Closures

Pharmacies are closing at an alarming rate. Join the Save Our Pharmacies campaign by signing our petition to help stop pharmacy closures.
Vitamins to Boost Your Immune System

The nights are drawing in and the summer sun is fading as the autumn and winter months approach. It’s the time of year when we need to wrap up and look after our immune systems to guard against colds and flu. What does the immune system do? Your immune system protects your body from infection. […]
Rabies – Protect Yourself With A Vaccination

Rabies is a dangerous virus that is fatal if a bite, scratch or lick from an infected animal isn’t treated immediately. If you are vsiitig a country where animals have rabies then you should protect yourself with a vaccination.
Get Your NHS Flu Vaccination From October

Most cases of flu occur during the winter months. The vaccine campaign begins on the 3rd October. If you are eligible for the NHS vaccination make your appointment at the Pharmacy.
The Covid Booster Campaign Starts in September

A COVID vaccination booster will help reduce the risk of serious illness if you are over 65 or you have a health condition that means your immunity is compromised.
A Quick Overview of the Mpox Virus

Mpox has not reached the UK yet and the risk of catching the virus is low. Here’s what you need to know about the virus.
Malaria and How to Treat It

If you are travelling to a country where there is a risk of catching Malaria you should visit us. Here at VSM Pharmacy we can discuss what malaria tablets you need and when you should start taking them. What is malaria? Malaria is a disease which passes to humans from the bite of an infected […]