Malaria and How to Treat It

If you are travelling to a country where there is a risk of catching Malaria you should visit us. Here at VSM Pharmacy we can discuss what malaria tablets you need and when you should start taking them.

What is malaria?

Malaria is a disease which passes to humans from the bite of an infected mosquito. The bite contains sporozoites. These sporozoites enter the liver and infect the liver cells. Once they are in the liver cells, they develop into schizonts. These parasites can convert into around 30,000 merozoites which live in your bloodstream.

Each merozoite is capable of infecting one red blood cell. The parasite then divides inside the red blood cells which enables it to infect more red blood cells. This is how you get malaria.

What are the symptoms?

Malaria symptoms usually take between 7 and 18 days to appear, but sometimes the symptoms don’t appear for months or years, although this is rare. If you have the following symptoms between 7 and 18 days after a mosquito bite, then you should seek medical assistance.

Symptoms can include:

  • Sore throat
  • Cough
  • Headache
  • Muscle pains
  • Diarrhoea
  • Nausea
  • High temperature

Your skin or the whites of your eyes may appear yellow, and you might feel very tired and find it hard to stay awake.

Follow the ABCD steps if you are travelling to a high-risk area. The steps are.

A – Awareness of risk

B – Bite Prevention

C – Chemoprophylaxis (malaria tablets) Taking the appropriate tablets and following the instructions

D – Diagnosis – Get a diagnosis and treatment fast

How is malaria treated?

A doctor will treat malaria with medication that kills the parasites in your bloodstream. Some people may relapse which means you will need further treatment.

Where are infected mosquitos found?

Infected mosquitos are found in tropical regions. West Africa is a high-risk region and it’s the place where most travellers from the UK have been diagnosed. But you’ll also need protection if you travel to:

  • Asia
  • Central and South America
  • Haiti
  • Dominican Republic
  • The Middle East
  • Oceania (the islands in the Pacific Ocean between the Americas and Asia)

What attracts mosquitos to humans?

They are attracted to the carbon dioxide that is produced from your breath and through your skin. They also smell perfumes and soaps. Movement and lactic acid, which is produced when you move also attracts mosquitos.

How can you prevent bites?

You should wear trousers and long-sleeved loose clothing. Your accommodation should have doors and windows fitted with mosquito screens. Or you should sleep under a mosquito net that is treated with an insecticide. Use an insecticide containing DEET if possible, on your skin and clothes.

The best way to protect yourself though is to take anti-malarial tablets.How do you take the tablets?

It depends on the type of malaria tablet you take. But most tablets are taken between 7 days and 2 days before you travel and then between 1 week and 4 weeks after you return from your visit.

Where do you get malaria tablets?

The best thing to do is make an appointment, at the Travel Clinic here at VSM Pharmacy. At the appointment we can talk to you about your travel plans and your requirements for tablets and/or vaccinations.

We’ll advise you what type of malaria tablets you should take and let you know whether you are at risk by travelling. For example, people who don’t have a functioning spleen are normally advised not to travel unless it is unavoidable.

You can make an appointment online, give us a call or pop into the pharmacy and speak to a member of staff.

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