How the Pharmacy Can Help You If You Have Sore Throat
If you have a sore throat you can make an appointment at your pharmacy instead of waiting to go to the doctors.
Impetigo – What is It and How Can it Be Cured?
Impetigo is a contagious bacterial skin infection. It can be treated with antisptic or antibiotic cream.
Shingles – Symptoms and Pain Relief Remedies
Shingles comes from the chicken pox virus and it can be painful, but from the end of January you can visit your Pharmacy for treatment.
Insomnia – What is it and How Can it be Treated?
Insomnia is a common condition that affects your every day living, but there are remedies.
Anaemia – It’s Causes, Symptoms and the Treatments Available
Anaemia can leave you tired and fatigued. Read our short guide to find out more about the symptoms of anaemia and how they can be treated.
How To Deal With Period Pain
Period pain is very common. But did you know in a survey carried out by Wellbeing of Women over half of the 3000-woman surveyed said they didn’t think their symptoms were taken seriously? That’s despite the fact that some women need to take time off work. Many other women wish they could, but don’t. Just […]
All About Acid Reflux
Acid reflux is a common condition that can often be dealt with by using over-the-counter remedies.
Bunions – Symptoms, Remedies and Pain Relief
Bunions can be painful and make walking difficult. Read on to find out more about the symptoms and remedies.
Menopause – Symptoms and Remedies
Menopause – Symptoms and Remedies Menopause occurs when your periods stop. This usually happens between the ages of 45 and 55, although sometimes it happens to younger women. You can also have menopause if you have had your ovaries or uterus removed or if you are receiving treatment for cancer in the form of chemotherapy. […]
Back Pain and How To Treat It
Do you suffer from back pain? It can be an uncomfortable and painful condition. But there are ways to relieve some types of back pain by using home remedies and painkillers from your pharmacy. The spine Your spine is made up of vertebrae (bones) and they are stacked one on top of the other. They […]