Tick-Borne Encephalitis 

Adult Deer Tick

Tick bites from infected ticks in Europe and eleswhere can cause Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) and Lyme disease.  Ticks are around between March and May and mid-August to November, so we’re about to come into a tick season soon. They live in the countryside and love warm temperatures with high humidity. You will find them in […]

Get Help for Heavy Periods

Hand holding a menstrual cup

Heavy periods can have a negative impact on your quality of life. But now you can buy Evana tablets over the counter at VSM Pharmacy. Evana tablets reduce the amount of blood you lose when you have your period.

The Benefits of Giving Up Smoking

A cigarette between a person's fingers

Giving up smoking isn’t easy but with support and the right treatment you should be able to break the habit and give up smoking for good.
To find out how giving up smoking benefits your health and wellbeing read our latest article.

Ticks and Lyme Disease – What You Need to Know

Skin Rash From Tick Bite

Lyme Disease is caused by ticks. You can get a tick bite from being in the garden or in the countryside. Find out from our latest article on how to remove a tick and reduce your risk of a tick bite.

How to Treat Warts and Verrucas

Wart on a Finger

Your Pharmacy can help you to treat warts or verrucas. They are a common skin complaint and mostly affect your hands and feet. Read on to find out how the pharmacy can help you.

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