What are pharmacies doing about medication shortages?

The warning lights have been flashing on the UK’s medicines supply system for almost a year now. In February 2022, pharmacy negotiators reported that pharmacists were “reporting problems obtaining more and more drugs” and raised the issue with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).

What are the symptoms of a Strep A infection?

How does Strep A spread? Is there a Strep A test? Is Scarlet Fever the same as Strep A? Is Scarlet Fever a serious Illness? What are Strep A and Scarlet Fever’s Symptoms? VSM Pharmacy provides you with some answers.

Gina – an Over-the-Counter Treatment for Vaginal Dryness

Menopause causes a variety of uncomfortable symptoms, they include sweats, sleep problems, mood changes, brain fog and weight gain. But there’s one symptom many women feel unable to talk about and that’s vaginal dryness. What is Estrogen? Estrogen is a female hormone which helps to regulate your periods. But it also affects your skin, bones, […]

Disposing of Inhalers – How to Protect the Planet

Dispose of your Inhalers

Did you know your inhalers effect the environment? While we’re all aware of the need to reduce gas emissions not many people realise that throwing their used inhalers in the bin isn’t a good thing. As well as the general public, most corporations and businesses in the British Isles are taking steps to reduce their […]

We Support ‘Ask for Ani’ and Safe Spaces

Support for Domestic Abuse

According to the Crime Survey for England and Wales,  2.3 million people suffer from domestic abuse. Many abuse victims don’t report their crimes and so this figure could be higher. How can people suffering domestic abuse get support? What is domestic abuse? If a family member, a carer, or a partner is abusing you either […]

Stop Smoking in Stopoctober!

Stop Smoking

  Although the number of smokers has been steadily decreasing since 1974, there are still around 6.9 million adult smokers in the UK. And, according to the ASH website, this habit costs the NHS around 2.5 billion each year dealing with conditions related to smoking. What illnesses does smoking cause? Smoking can cause more than […]

High Cholesterol – Causes and Treatments

Finger Prick Test

  If you have high cholesterol, you have a greater risk of developing heart disease, vascular dementia or of having a stroke. In this article, we’ll tell you more about this condition. You can find out the symptoms and how to treat the condition. What is Cholesterol? Cholesterol is a fatty substance in your blood. […]

3 Common Eye Conditions and How to Treat Them

Common Eye Complaints

  In this blog, we talk about 3 common eye conditions that can usually be treated with over-the-counter remedies from our chemist. Read more to find out about each condition, the symptoms and how they can be treated. Blepharitis The first eye condition we want to talk about is Blepharitis. Blepharitis will give you swollen […]

Vaccinations against Pneumonia and Shingles

Winter vaccinations

It As we’re getting through autumn and closer to winter you need to think about your vaccines against pneumonia and shingles. Having a vaccine against these two conditions will help to lower the risk of catching them and keep you healthy over the colder seasons. What is Pneumonia? Pneumonia is caused by the inflammation of […]

Watching out for Diabetes and High Cholesterol – The Importance of Testing

Blood Sugar Test

  Did you know that someone is diagnosed with diabetes every two minutes and that 60% of adults in England and Wales have high cholesterol? Both of these conditions are sometimes ignored or remain undiagnosed because people put symptoms down to other things and don’t get tested. But if you have undiagnosed diabetes or high […]

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